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Theta Healing®

Basic DNA

Certified Course

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What is Theta Healing?

Theta Healing™ is a powerful technique that teaches us how to put to use our natural intuition, to experience instantaneous physical and emotional healing.


By altering our brain wave cycle to include the “Theta” state, one can identify and replace limiting beliefs and negative life patterns, which are stored deep in our core, genetic, historic and soul level.


Through the theta approach, every individual is empowered to bring about transformation in their own life and positively influence the lives of others.

Basic DNA Course

Basic DNA is the first class, which introduces you to the basics of Theta Healing and teaches one to use natural intuitive senses to access “theta” in a matter of seconds.

The heart of this class focuses on techniques that allow one to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed.

The student will learn to identify and release his/her own beliefs as well as practicing on others in the class.

This technique can quickly reveal systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover, as well as showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones.


Since our beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, and actions create our reality, then limiting beliefs will create obstacles, and empowering beliefs will create opportunity.

So consider the beliefs/perceptions, which inhibit you from realizing your potential.


In the Theta Healing Basic DNA course, you will learn the following:

​Module 1 - Theory

  • The Theta brainwave and how to access it

  • The different Faces of the crystal

  • The Seven Planes of Existence

  • Contacting Creator o Intuitive body scanning and Physical healing

Module 2 - Practical Readings, Test & Believes work

  • Uncover subconscious beliefs through muscle testing

  • Intuitive Readings, Self Healing, and Group Healing

  • Identify and change Root Beliefs o Download teachings and install positive feelings

  • Dealing with Death

  • Manifesting Principle and techniques
  • Future and Past Life Readings

  • Remote Healing

  • Contact your Guardian Angels and other Spirit Guides

  • Attracting Soulmates, Life Partners, and Twin Souls

Module 3 - Download and activation you will receive

  • Gene Replacement Therapy

  • Install Fountain of Youth Genetic Programming and DNA activation

  • Removal of Way wards

  • Removal of Psychic Attacks and Psychic Hook o Retrieve

  • Return Soul Fragments

This course is 75% interactive – so come along and have fun while you learn!


What the course includes

  • 2 Full days of classes (10am to 5pm) (Coffee\ tea \ fruits) + follow up day

  • Class Material

    • Theta Healing Book by Vianna Stibal

    • Theta Healing BASIC DNA Student Manual

    • Theta Healing BASIC DNA Practitioner Certification

What's included
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